Actions for Delight and Enjoyment

The issue of where the centerpiece goes to is often a matter of serious consideration especially at marriage parties and this is more taken seriously if the centerpiece is extremely gorgeous or unique.

Therefore, there is always a need to fashion out a game at deciding the destination of this centerpiece and you will be surprised that most of the guests will happily want to take part in it.

The best game should be one involving twenty problems. All the participants are allocated pieces of papers and pens. The MC gives a prologue on the subject matter from which the twenty questions will be asked. The MC then asks questions and any inspired participant gives the answer. An accurate answer means a centerpiece goes to that guest. The issue is for every table to get involved in the game. If a participant has that question right, the table from which he or she comes from is eliminated. The process continues until every participant at each table gets at least one centerpiece.

For the most part of such activities, a number is affixed beneath each centerpiece and these numbers are given to the various guests. While the party is on, these numbers are read and the guest who identifies his or her number with the one that is read takes the centerpiece.

You should try as many methods as possible. Another good example is getting the guests perform certain activities to the satisfaction of the audience ahead of being awarded a centerpiece. It could be agreed upon that a particular act is done in a particular way. This should be done for each table. All the tables may not necessarily perform the same activity. But the contester that does the most convincing performances wins the centerpiece.
In another case, it could be requested that for a guest to have a centerpiece, he or she must come up with something particular. This particular thing may be different or the same for every table. The request goes round and when that thing is produced, the centerpiece goes to that person. What makes this game more interesting is that what is sought for should be something unusual. For example, it could be a particular color of wristwatch or specific color of pen.

Once a table is awarded a centerpiece; the issue of who gets it also comes up. Sometimes, it could be stipulated that the most elderly person on that table is the ultimate winner or any person who stayed in college more than the others. Sometimes, these criteria can be decided by the various table members; and they may be obliged to let the whole hall know about this.

You may decide to opt for the game of musical chairs. This will involve the use of a dollar note which is passed around as the music is played. This note can be given by any person in the hall. As soon as the music is halted, whoever is still in keeping of this note is declared winner and eventually collects the centerpiece.

On the other hand, you can decide that the guest who is in keeping of this note should be removed from the contest. The competition will go on in anticipation of the last person keeping the note. He or she is the eventual winner of the centerpiece. At times the person who has the centerpiece is required to hand it to the person who provided it and this person takes the centerpiece.

Occasionally, it may be decided that whoever has his or her anniversary on that day or who has the closest one should be the winner. Sometimes, the longest or newly wedded couple takes the centerpiece. On the table, the members may also decide on their own strategies for giving out the centerpiece.
